| SpiffsParticleFile () |
| You normally don't need to instantiate one of these, you use the openFile method of SpiffsParticle instead.
| SpiffsParticleFile (spiffs_t *fs, spiffs_file fh) |
| You normally don't need to instantiate one of these, you use the openFile method of SpiffsParticle instead.
virtual | ~SpiffsParticleFile () |
| Destructor. Note that this only destroys the container, the underlying file handle is still open and valid.
| SpiffsParticleFile (const SpiffsParticleFile &other) |
| You normally don't need to instantiate one of these, you use the openFile method of SpiffsParticle instead.
SpiffsParticleFile & | operator= (const SpiffsParticleFile &other) |
| You can copy this object, so it's safe to assign it to a local variable. More...
virtual int | available () |
| Returns the number of bytes available to read from the current file position. More...
virtual int | read () |
| Read a single byte from the current file position and increment the file position. More...
virtual int | peek () |
| Read a single byte from the current file position, but do not increment the file position. More...
virtual void | flush () |
| Write any buffered output. More...
virtual size_t | readBytes (char *buffer, size_t length) |
| Read a specified number of bytes from the file. More...
virtual size_t | write (uint8_t c) |
| Write a single byte to the current file position and increment the file position. More...
virtual size_t | write (const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) |
| Write bytes to the current file position and increment the file position. More...
s32_t | lseek (s32_t offs, int whence) |
| Adjust the file position for reading or writing. More...
bool | eof () |
| Returns true of the file position is currently at the end of the file. More...
s32_t | tell () |
| Return the current file position from the start of the file. More...
s32_t | length () |
| Returns the length of the file in bytes. More...
s32_t | remove () |
| Delete the currently open file. More...
s32_t | truncate (s32_t len) |
| Truncate the currently open file to the specified number of bytes. More...
void | seekStart () |
| Convenience function to move the file position to the beginning of the file.
void | seekEnd () |
| Convenience function to move the file position to the end of the file.
void | close () |
| Close this file. Make sure you close a file when done as there are a finite number of open file available.
bool | isValid () const |
| Returns true if this object appears to be valid. More...
| operator spiffs_file () |
| Get the underlying SPIFFS file handle for this file.
void | setTimeout (system_tick_t timeout) |
| Sets the read timeout (default: 1000 milliseconds) More...
bool | find (char *target) |
| Reads data from the stream until the target string is found. More...
bool | find (char *target, size_t length) |
| Reads data from the stream until the target string is found. More...
bool | findUntil (char *target, char *terminator) |
| Reads data from the stream until the target string is found or the terminator string is found. More...
bool | findUntil (char *target, size_t targetLen, char *terminate, size_t termLen) |
| Reads data from the stream until the target string is found or the terminator string is found. More...
long | parseInt () |
| returns the first valid (long) integer value from the current position More...
float | parseFloat () |
| returns the first valid float value from the current position More...
size_t | readBytes (char *buffer, size_t length) |
| Read chars from stream into buffer. More...
size_t | readBytesUntil (char terminator, char *buffer, size_t length) |
| Read chars from stream into buffer until the character terminator is found. More...
String | readString () |
| Reads the remainder of the file into a string.
String | readStringUntil (char terminator) |
| Reads the remainder of the file into a string or until terminator is found. More...
int | getWriteError () |
| Return the last error code. 0 means no error.
void | clearWriteError () |
| Clear the last error code to 0.
size_t | write (const char *str) |
| Write a null-terminated c-string the stream or file. More...
size_t | print (const char[]) |
| Print a null-terminated array of char variables (a c-string) to the stream or file.
size_t | print (char) |
| Print a single character to the stream or file.
size_t | print (unsigned char value, int base=DEC) |
| Print an unsigned char (byte value, 8 bits) in the specified base to the stream or file. More...
size_t | print (int value, int base=DEC) |
| Print an int (32 bit integer) the specified base to the stream or file. More...
size_t | print (unsigned int value, int base=DEC) |
| Print an unsigned int (32 bit unsigned integer) the specified base to the stream or file. More...
size_t | print (long value, int base=DEC) |
| Print a long (32 bit integer) the specified base to the stream or file. More...
size_t | print (unsigned long value, int base=DEC) |
| Print a unsigned long (32 bit unsigned integer) the specified base to the stream or file. More...
size_t | print (double value, int dec=2) |
| Print a double floating point value to the stream or file. More...
size_t | print (const Printable &) |
| Print an object derived from Printable to the stream or file.
size_t | println (const char[]) |
| Print a null-terminated array of char variables (a c-string) plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file.
size_t | println (char value) |
| Print a single character plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file.
size_t | println (unsigned char value, int base=DEC) |
| Print an unsigned char (byte value. 8 bits) in the specified base plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file. More...
size_t | println (int value, int base=DEC) |
| Print an int (32 bit integer) the specified base to plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator the stream or file. More...
size_t | println (unsigned int value, int base=DEC) |
| Print an unsigned int (32 bit unsigned integer) the specified base plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file. More...
size_t | println (long value, int base=DEC) |
| Print a long (32 bit signed integer) the specified base plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file. More...
size_t | println (unsigned long value, int base=DEC) |
| Print a unsigned long (32 bit unsigned integer) the specified base plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file. More...
size_t | println (double value, int dec=2) |
| Print a double floating point value plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file. More...
size_t | println (const Printable &) |
| Print an object derived from Printable plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file.
size_t | println (void) |
| Print a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file.
template<typename... Args> |
size_t | printf (const char *format, Args... args) |
| Print using printf-style formatting to the stream or file. More...
template<typename... Args> |
size_t | printlnf (const char *format, Args... args) |
| Print using printf-style formatting plus a CRLF end-of-line terminator to the stream or file. More...
Extension of Arduino/Wiring Stream/Print manipulating a single SPIFFS file.
SpiffsParticleRK - Particle wrapper for SPIFFS library
Port and this wrapper: https://github.com/rickkas7/SpiffsParticleRK Original SPIFFS library: https://github.com/pellepl/spiffs/
License: MIT (both) You can use either this API, or the native SPIFFS API, which looks basically like the Unix file API.