static const int | NO_DEVICES = 0 |
| There are 0 devices on the 1-wire bus.
static const int | SINGLE_DROP = 1 |
| There is 1 device on the 1-wire bus. An empty address can be used to identify the single device.
static const int | MULTI_DROP = 2 |
| There are 2 or more devices on the 1-wire bus. Addressing is required.
Static Public Attributes inherited from DS2482Command |
static const int | RESULT_WORKING = 0 |
| Asynchronous call still in progress.
static const int | RESULT_DONE = 1 |
| Asynchronous call completed successfully.
| Busy timeout upon entering endTransmission (I2C error)
| Start bit generation timeout (I2C error)
| End of address transmission timeout (I2C error)
| Data byte transfer timeout (I2C error)
| Data byte transfer succeeded, busy timeout immediately after (I2C error)
static const int | RESULT_I2C_READ_TIMEOUT = -100 |
| I2C requestFrom did not return bytes.
static const int | RESULT_I2C_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = -101 |
| An I2C command timed out.
static const int | RESULT_1WIRE_SHORT = -200 |
| On a 1-wire bus reset, a short was detected (SD flag set)
static const int | RESULT_1WIRE_BUSY = -201 |
| The previous 1-wire command had not completed yet.
static const int | RESULT_1WIRE_NO_DEVICE = -202 |
| No device on the 1-wire bus when doing a 1-wire send address (no presence pulse detected)
static const int | RESULT_TOO_MANY_RETRIES = -300 |
| Specified number of retries exceeded without getting a response with a valid CRC.
static const int | RESULT_SEARCH_FAILED = -301 |
| During a 1-wire search bus, got an invalid set of bits returned.
static const int | RESULT_SET_CHANNEL_FAILED = -303 |
| A DS2482-800 set channel operation failed to set the channel.
static const uint8_t | TRIPLET_CMD = 0x78 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | SINGLE_1WIRE_BIT_CMD = 0x87 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | WRITE_BYTE_CMD = 0xa5 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | READ_BYTE_CMD = 0x96 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | RESET_1WIRE_CMD = 0xb4 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | CHANNEL_SELECT_CMD = 0xc3 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | WRITE_CONFIG_CMD = 0xd2 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | SET_READ_PTR_CMD = 0xe1 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | DEVICE_RESET_CMD = 0xf0 |
| DS2482 I2C command code.
static const uint8_t | CONFIG_REG = 0xc3 |
| DS2482 register code.
static const uint8_t | READ_DATA_REG = 0xe1 |
| DS2482 register code.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_REG = 0xf0 |
| DS2482 register code.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_DIR_MASK = 0b10000000 |
| DS2482 status register bit.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_TSB_MASK = 0b01000000 |
| DS2482 status register bit.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_SBR_MASK = 0b00100000 |
| DS2482 status register bit.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_RST_MASK = 0b00010000 |
| DS2482 status register bit.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_LL_MASK = 0b00001000 |
| DS2482 status register bit.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_SD_MASK = 0b00000100 |
| DS2482 status register bit.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_PPD_MASK = 0b00000010 |
| DS2482 status register bit.
static const uint8_t | STATUS_1WB_MASK = 0b00000001 |
| DS2482 status register bit.
static const uint8_t | CONFIG_1WS_MASK = 0b1000 |
| DS2482 config register bit.
static const uint8_t | CONFIG_SPU_MASK = 0b0100 |
| DS2482 config register bit.
static const uint8_t | CONFIG_APU_MASK = 0b0001 |
| DS2482 config register bit.
static const uint8_t | SEARCH_ROM = 0xf0 |
| 1-wire ROM select command
static const uint8_t | READ_ROM = 0x33 |
| 1-wire ROM select command
static const uint8_t | MATCH_ROM = 0x55 |
| 1-wire ROM select command
static const uint8_t | SKIP_ROM = 0xcc |
| 1-wire ROM select command
static const uint8_t | ALARM_SEARCH = 0xec |
| DS18B20 command.
static const uint8_t | CONVERT_T = 0x44 |
| DS18B20 command.
static const uint8_t | WRITE_SCRATCHPAD = 0x4e |
| DS18B20 command.
static const uint8_t | READ_SCRATCHPAD = 0xbe |
| DS18B20 command.
static const uint8_t | COPY_SCRATCHPAD = 0x48 |
| DS18B20 command.
static const uint8_t | RECALL_E2 = 0xb8 |
| DS18B20 command.
static const uint8_t | READ_POWER_SUPPLY = 0xb4 |
| DS18B20 command.
static const int | CONVERSION_9BIT = 0 |
| 9-bit conversion size, resolution of 1/2 degree C, conversion time 94 ms
static const int | CONVERSION_10BIT = 1 |
| 10-bit conversion size, resolution of 1/4 degree C, conversion time 188 ms
static const int | CONVERSION_11BIT = 2 |
| 11-bit conversion size, resolution of 1/8 degree C, conversion time 375 ms
static const int | CONVERSION_12BIT = 3 |
| 12-bit conversion size, resolution of 1/16 degree C, conversion time 750 ms (default)
static const int | RETRIES_DEFAULT = 3 |
| Default numnber of retries if you don't override it with withRetries()
Protected Member Functions inherited from DS2482Command |
void | pushCommand () |
| Add this command to the parent queue.
void | pushCommandList () |
| Pushes a command list onto the command list stack. This is done when a command needs their own sequence of commands to run.
void | popCommandList () |
| Pops a command list off the command list stack. This is done when a command needs their own sequence of commands to run.
int | readStatus (uint8_t &value, bool setReadPointerFirst=true) |
| Reads the status DS2482 status register.
int | readData (uint8_t &value, bool setReadPointerFirst=true) |
| Reads the status DS2482 data register.
int | setReadPointer (uint8_t reg) |
| Sets the DS2482 read pointer to a specific register (CONFIG_REG, READ_DATA_REG, READ_DATA_REG)
int | readConfig (uint8_t &value) |
| Reads the DS2482 config register. Always sets the data pointer first.
int | writeConfig (bool speed, bool spu, bool apu) |
| Writes the DS2482 config register.
int | writeReg0 (uint8_t reg) |
| Writes a DS2482 register.
int | writeReg1 (uint8_t reg, uint8_t value) |
| Writes the DS2482 config register and a value.
int | strongPullUp (bool on) |
| Enables or disables strong pull-up mode. Used by parasitic power mode.
void | beginTransmission () |
| Reflects to DS2482 parent to do an I2C operation.
uint8_t | endTransmission (bool stop=true) |
| Reflects to DS2482 parent to do an I2C operation.
uint8_t | requestFrom (uint8_t numBytes, bool stop=true) |
| Reflects to DS2482 parent to do an I2C operation.
size_t | write (uint8_t val) |
| Reflects to DS2482 parent to do an I2C operation.
size_t | write (const uint8_t *buf, size_t count) |
| Reflects to DS2482 parent to do an I2C operation.
int | available (void) |
| Reflects to DS2482 parent to do an I2C operation.
int | read (void) |
| Reflects to DS2482 parent to do an I2C operation.
Protected Attributes inherited from DS2482Command |
DS2482 & | parent |
| The DS2482 that this command is being run on.
Checks the 1-wire bus to determine if it's single drop or multi-drop.
Completion is called with NO_DEVICES, SINGLE_DROP, or MULTI_DROP indicating 0, 1, or more sensors on the 1-wire bus.
As with all command objects, you do not typically construct one of these objects. Instead, use the static run method to handle allocating, initializing, and queueing the command.