Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CDS2482Class for DS2482 devices
 CDS24821WireAddressHolds the 64-bit address of a device on a 1-wire bus
 CDS24821WireCommandLow-level class to send a 1-wire command and read a number of bytes back. You won't need to call this directly
 CDS24821WireReadByteLow-level class to read a byte from the 1-wire bus
 CDS24821WireResetResets the 1-wire bus
 CDS24821WireSendAddressLow-level class to send a 1-wire address. You won't need to call this directly
 CDS24821WireTripletLow-level class to generate a 1-wire triplet, used for bus search. You won't need to call this directly
 CDS24821WireWriteByteLow-level class to write a byte to the 1-wire bus
 CDS2482ChannelSelectWhen using the DS2482-800, this selects which of the 8 channels you want to work with
 CDS2482CheckBusCommandChecks the 1-wire bus to determine if it's single drop or multi-drop
 CDS2482CommandUseful static constants, but the class is mostly just a base class for other commands
 CDS2482CommandListUsed internally to hold a list of command objects to run
 CDS2482ConvertTCommandLow-level class to send a CONVERT_T command
 CDS2482DeviceHolds the address and temperature for a single DS18B20 the 1-wire bus
 CDS2482DeviceListHolds an array of DS2482Device objects
 CDS2482DeviceListStaticHolds an array of DS2482Device objects of a given size
 CDS2482DeviceResetResets the DS2482
 CDS2482GetTemperatureCommandGets the temperature of a single sensor
 CDS2482GetTemperatureForListCommandGets the temperatures for multiple DS18B20 sensors on a single bus
 CDS2482MatchRomLow-level class to send a MATCH_ROM command. This is used internally by DS2482ReadScratchpad and others
 CDS2482ReadRomLow-level class to send a READ_ROM command
 CDS2482ReadScratchpadCommandLow-level call to read the scratchpad
 CDS2482ReadScratchpadInternalUsed internally to do the actual read scratchpad operation
 CDS2482SearchBranchPointInternal struct used during 1-wire bus searches
 CDS2482SearchBusCommandFinds all of the devices on the 1-wire bus
 CDS2482SearchRomLow-level class to send a SEARCH_ROM command. Normally you'd use DS2482SearchBusCommand instead
 CDS2482SetConfigCommandSets the configuration for a device
 CDS2482SkipRomLow-level class to send a SKIP_ROM command. This is used internally by DS2482ReadScratchpad and others